Departure at 7 a.m. from Huaraz with private transport through the northern part of the Callejón de Huaylas, first stop in the province of Carhuaz approximately 20 minutes to taste the delicious ice creams, use the toilets, take photos of the city and the Carhuaz square, then we continue the tour to the Campo Santo de Yungay the city buried in 1970; After the visit, we begin with the ascent towards the Llanganuco lagoon located at 3850 m.a.s.l. Then we will descend to the town of Humacchuco to have lunch with the different typical dishes of the area and finally we will visit the city of Caraz. To then return to Huaraz, end of the tour. Throughout the tour there is a professional guide who provides all the information about: archaeology, culture or the idiosyncrasy of the settler, legends, myths, glaciology, geology, biodiversity, personalized assistance to all visitors.

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