We leave Huaraz at 8 a.m. to continue the same route to Pastoruri until Catac, to turn east after 15 minutes of travel we arrive at the beautiful Querococha lagoon where we make the first stop to taste the delicious coca tea, use the hygienic services and appreciate the scenic beauty of the zone. Continuing the route, we arrive at the Kawish tunnel, which is the dividing line between the Callejón de Huaylas and Conchucos, where we make the second stop and a white Christ awaits us, welcoming us to the Callejón de los Conchucos. In this place, the descent begins, passing small picturesque towns such as: Tambillos, Shirapata, Hircawain, Machac, Quercos and finally arriving at the Chavín district and we begin with the visit to the ceremonial and cultural center of great millenary importance, after the visit we will have lunch and then go to the National Museum of Chavin; After the visit we return to Huaraz. . Throughout the tour there is a professional guide who provides all the information about: archaeology, culture or the idiosyncrasy of the settler, legends, myths, glaciology, geology, biodiversity, personalized assistance to all visitors.

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